Fun Facts: Disneyland

Fun Facts: Disneyland

Fun Facts: Disneyland

Discover 10 fun facts about Disneyland in this visual infographic created by theme park fanatics!

Thanks to Theme Park Investigator for this fun fact chart! Find more history, news, and tips on the world’s most popular theme parks on their website.

“Here you leave today and enter the world of yesterday, tomorrow, and fantasy.” – Walt Disney

If you are looking for more bite-sized bits of knowledge check out our Fun Facts category!

It’s loaded with all kinds of interesting facts like Fun Facts About Einstein.

Or perhaps you might enjoy this neat video: Miniature Disneyland


Enchanted Little World is a daily blog highlighting good news, funny videos, happy people and inspiring stories from around the world.  Give each day a “high-five of happiness” with Enchanted Little World.

A Timeline According To Disney

A Timeline According To Disney

A Timeline According To Disney

Disney has captivated audiences for ages, and ages, and ages…….

Enchanted Little World is a daily blog highlighting good news, funny videos, happy people and inspiring stories from around the world.  Give each day a “high-five of happiness” with Enchanted Little World.