Printable Family Camp Pack List

Does getting ready to try to remember to pack everything for a family camp trip make you tired just thinking of it?  Take the worries of forgetting something when packing for your family’s camping trip with this helpful, printable packing list here. 

You may not need or want everything on this list, but who doesn’t love the feeling of crossing something off!

BONUS JOKE: Why did the robot go on camping? ANSWER: He needed to recharge his batteries

Looking for some family fun before your camp trip? Get excited about camping under the moon, and learn some more about it with Lunar Moon Phases.  Or get inspired to have some flashlight fun on your trip with this neat animation Racoon And The Light

This helpful list was created by an outdoor enthusiast and mother, Frog Mom.

” Frog Mom comes from my being French but also from my love for nature. I have two daughters born in 2003 and 2005 and I’ve taken them on outdoors adventures since they were babies.”


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